Wednesday 17 August 2011

Protagonist imprisoned, and the rascals on a freedom rambling

We are marching towards a new age, a new era, where the law and administration are beginning to melt on the lands of hopelessness and shameless deeds. For the past 64 years, India has seen significant growth in population, poverty and corruption. And when one or two from the masses emerge to put things on the right place, all they get is insult and imprisonment.

Why is it that the real offenders don't get imprisoned, or even if they were, why is it that they so easily manage to come back to their seats? Why is it that the ones who fight for good aren't largely accepted in this country, and the ones preaching bad are welcomed ? Is this a country of democracy or hypocrisy ?

No matter what, India has been, is, and will be a great nation. But we need to realize that this greatness is being torn by the inevitable blades like corruption and ignorance, with apathy and indifference haunting our minds. 

Things don't change if we just keep sitting and debating on topics, they don't change if just one in a million wakes up and walks out to fight, neither do they change when we think of changing others. 

Things change, only when we change. Things change, only when I change. 

Monday 15 August 2011

A Disgrace

As the days are passing by, the beliefs and thinking of the government have begun to go the insane way. Seems ours is the only nation, where people fighting 'against' the country enjoy more publicity and support than people who fight 'for' the country. Congress, which has been covering it's immorality and corruptness under the blankets of Manmohan Singh as being the most clean and ethical party, finally speaks out. But wait, after such a long pause, it doesn't speak anything that makes sense.

Those people are now turning the topic, claiming that Anna Hazare is corrupt. And the PM himself has started to request Anna to end the fast as he feels that it is a disgrace for such people to awaken the nation and kindle delicate issues like corruption.

What is the real disgrace, an old and experienced Anna fighting for the country, or we youngsters keeping ourselves off from politics ? I believe the later one is something unpardonable!