Friday 13 July 2012

Sometimes, Old is NOT Gold

64 years of independence, and still a girl doesn't have the freedom to choose her better half.
64 years of independence, and still religion and caste are more important than humanity.
64 years of independence, and we are still developing.

Is love a sin? Is choosing our better half no less than an unpardonable crime? Are we really worth to enjoy the freedom our leaders have given us? And above all, in the first place, do we really have the real freedom?

Religion and caste have been so respected and regarded in our country, that we are unknowingly separating ourselves from the wonderful bonds of love. Now, let me come to the actual point. There is this village in UP that has got the 'determination' to still cling onto the old and mindless tradition. Here, women under 40 are not allowed to marry the man they love, or to use mobile phones, or to go alone to the market. And yes, there is something more; they can't step out of their houses without their heads being covered.

The Panchayat has issued an order that anyone resorting to love marriage or anyone found helping them will be boycotted by the community. And the justification they give is far far away from being sensible.

The Panchayat blames the booming telecom industry in our country for the sharp increase in eve-teasing and elopement. The issues which can be curbed through strict monitoring and rules now seem to come in the way of development.

The question is, instead of catching and punishing the wrongdoers, why do these people bring out senseless laws and lay limitations on women? Why do they still cling on to the old culture and tradition, which in no way seem to be sensible or beneficial to the common people? Today, it is just one village. But as more and more tomorrows keep coming, this 'blind love for religion and going blind for real love' disease will sweep across the entire nation.

Well, the solution for this? Love marriages. I would like to end this article by putting forward that only when there is a rise in love marriages, love that doesn't see religion or culture or caste or nationality, only then people will come together. Only then we can break free from the rusted chains of religion and the so called tradition, and taste the real freedom; the freedom for which our leaders have fought their sweat and blood; the freedom to love and be loved.

We got to remember that, sometimes, Old is NOT Gold.

Fall in love, and out of mindless tradition. 

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