Monday 6 August 2012

The road to a Political Marvel

And finally, the time has come for Indian Politics to change. The time has come for the system of filth and vermin, of delayed justice and atrocities, of broken laws and failed ideals, to get cleansed in the sea of CHANGE. The thought of Anna and team joining politics itself has created fear in the minds and hearts of the corrupt and the unlawful. And I, as a man who desires a 'developed' India, am fully ready to support the 75 year old crusader. 

The 16 month long fight has ultimately inspired a thought; a thought that would lay a new road in the history of our country's being, the road to a political marvel. This sixteen month long journey has been everything but smooth for Anna and his team. There had been baseless rumours and senseless remarks; there had been times of struggle and humiliation, but the team has withstood everything and stayed firm and determined. Hats off to their tenacity. And hats off to all of us who had supported Anna all the way. 

Change is not easy. It doesn't require something that is smooth or effortless, but rough and painful. Anna and his battlers have been epitomes of Change, and let's promise ourselves that we would pour in our heart and soul and render support to these fighters for change. 

Not just the initiators of change, but also its supporters can make marvels happen!

Go Anna Go!

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