Saturday 20 April 2013

From 'Mother' India to 'Murdered' India?

I am scared. I am pained. I am angered.

Why am I writing this article? Why can't I just ignore what is happening across the country and mind my own business? Women are being molested, harassed, raped and gang-raped in some corner of the country everyday; some such instances become news bulletins, and some get buried unnoticed. Why can't I just feel 'It is okay' like most of our leaders and a majority of our population, and focus only on my life? I can't. I just can't be that way, and that is one reason I feel I am eligible enough to talk. It is not okay for me when a woman was gang-raped in a moving bus on that nightmarish night; it is not okay for me when a school girl was raped multiple times in an auto; it is not okay for me when young girls are forcefully sold to brothels where they undergo systematic rape and torture everyday; it is not okay for me when little girls are raped in the toilets of their schools, it is not okay when a foreign lady had to jump out of her hotel balcony to escape rape, neither it is okay for me when toddlers are ravished even before they are beginning to grow up; and it is NOT okay for me when the victims mentioned above, and also thousands and thousands of others are still awaiting justice from the so called government of ours'.

Is the idea of freedom being wrongly interpreted? There are a number of freedoms listed in our constitution. Are our leaders trying to include even the 'freedom to rape' and continue to stay blind, deaf and dumb to the ongoing sexual terrorism in our country? A girl inside the mother's womb undergoes the idea of getting killed. And if the female child escapes this act of female foeticide, then there is the monstrous fear of rape waiting to pounce upon her once she is out of the womb. What type of government are we letting to rule us, which doesn't have the heart and sense to protect the country's female beings? And what type of citizens are we in the first place, for whom India losing a cricket match or a famous star's movie flopping are much more painful than an ordinary girl brutally and inhumanely getting ravaged in the hands of sex-crazy devils?

Each day, I am scared to read the news if there would be another agonizing report of a girl being raped. It is pathetic that we are in a situation where women are bound to live in constant fear, and it is scary to imagine if their would come a day when a girl returning home un-raped would become a news. It is extremely disturbing to see the daughters of this country drowning in pools of blood, and it brings tears to my eyes when I realize that several such daughters are still waiting for justice from a government which has forgotten the very meaning of it. I want justice to be done to them. By saying 'justice', I don't mean justice that comes after ten or fifteen years, but justice that is instant. Justice that is real and meaningful.  I want those bastard rapists to be hanged as brutally and mercilessly as they had invaded the freedom of innocent women.

Who am I? I am not a human rights activist. I am not a big man with a bunch of influential people within my hold. I am not a powerful person with stacks of money under my nose. I am not the President, nor the Prime Minister. I am neither a bureaucrat nor a politician. I am not even someone who has the capacity to earn a living. Then, what gives me the very right to write and wrong the spite? Well, I am after all a 19 year old erupting with rage and pain, and I guess that is more than sufficient to think of doing something.

 Will a day arrive when we would have to face the misfortune of reading about women only in books as 'extinct' species; when our country would be considered by the world as the rapist hub; when India would be seen as a nation sans women; when the entire world which once addressed our country as 'Mother India', would start addressing as 'Murdered India'?

I am scared. I am pained. I am angered.


  1. The govt has only one answer theek hai and with all the freedoms mentioned in the constitution there is the freedom of denying justice.
    These dirty devils are free to do what they want because of the dumb govt which acts like rip van wrinkle giving justice after 15 years.
    If this goes on india will stop sending their daughters to work and they will be confined to their homes and married off early the same thing which is slowly reducing all because of these monstrous barbarians. I mean what pleasure did he get by raping a five year old. He will know only when his private parts are cut off.

  2. I can understand your pain Arunima. Until the idea of justice is instant, things will NOT get better.
