Sunday 26 June 2011

Incredible India we say, but is India really Incredible?

INDIA : Ranks 4th among the world's most dangerous countries for women 

A total of 100 million women and girls are estimated to be involved in drug-trafficking in India. 
-Former Indian Home Secretary, Madhukar Gupta

Girls from rural villages taken to cities on the promise of jobs and wages are sold to brothels. Even when they do escape or are rescued they can be rejected from their own families and left destitute. It's under-reported. There is also bonded slavery still in existence. 
-Mandy Marshall, Tearfund

44.5 % of girls are married before the age of 18.
- ICRW (2010), Analysis of Demography and Health Survey data

50 million girls are missing in the past century due to human infanticide and foeticide.
United National Population Fund

'Incredible India' we say. We claim that ours is the greatest and one of the oldest civilizations. We proclaim that ours is a diversified country, and our culture and heritage have got unmatched repute.
Well, how long will we fool ourselves? How long will we remain asleep under the blankets of atrocities,  corruption, child abuse? Wake up, Open up, Speak up!

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