Monday 6 June 2011

Silence is 'NOT' Golden

'Speech is silver, silence is golden'. This is a proverb our teachers have been forcing into our minds since childhood. But today, after all the dark elements of politics have entered the scene, this maxim doesn't deserve the least of attention. Silence is no more golden. Silence is now dangerous, extremely dangerous. It has been ripping apart the nation's reputation for the past 6 decades. Politicos have come, politicos have gone. But they have so dedicatedly stuck to the above mentioned proverb, that the nation has begun to shrink in shame.

There will be people who instantly dispose off such thoughts of supporting a change. There may be people who strongly feel that fighting for the nation is going to be absolutely useless. And people nursing such arrogant thinking serve as perfect examples for cripple mindedness.

A few non-political luminaries like Anna Hazare, Arvind Kejriwal and Baba Ramdev have begun to act. They have put their everything in dragging our nation out from its slumber. And, even now if we don't wake up and start forging ahead, the future will show no mercy on us.
'Wake up and start DREAMING, Wake up and start DOING'

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