Friday 3 June 2011


The one very good reason that I could find to justify my creating this blog is to impart into the minds of the people of this country, that talking and debating over the problems of the country are not going to solve the problems. But before I continue putting my mind into this article, I would like to illuminate the answers for the typical questions that may pop out from your minds. You may very well have this feeling on your inner side gulping you, that what an 18 year old chap is trying to do by peppering some really posh looking words throughout the length and breadth of this blog. Some bog-standard queries that question my ability and eligibility of putting something sensible into the peoples' minds, or some extreme thoughts telling you that I am heading to do something nonsensical, or some sort of delicate and too intricate thinking that I am doing all this just to show myself off, etc, may begin circling within your brains. 

At this juncture, I want to make one point clear. And let this settle all the misconceptions once for all. This move of mine is not to impress you, but to welcome you into the world of the most potent tool that can change the peoples' lives for the better, POLITICS. I want to mention that I have got terrific passion for politics. And it is clearly perceptible from the real world that politics is not something that can be moved on by a single person. Most of us are habituated to the common thought process of shunning politics and painting it negative. More often than not we keep saying that politics is all about corruption, immoral practices and just another illegal and easy way of living a life comprising luxury and power glued together. We sometimes strongly feel that politics is all about exploiting the poor, making promises that appear to be true at the first instance, but at a later date turn out to be false. And then, there is this notion crippling most of our minds that politics requires influence and experience, and only those people who have got these two under their belts can ever do anything. 

It would be very much unfair if one equates the system (politics) with the rulers (politicians). Politics today has begun to bear faces of immorality and unprincipledness, and most of the politicians should be given the credit for this 'contribution'. Politics by itself isn't bad. Politics by itself isn't a corrupt and unethical system. It is because of most of the politicians, that the term politics has ended up printing negative ideas in our minds. 

In a few years from now, time would find me getting into politics. As already mentioned, the political scene is not something that can be carried out single handedly. And I alone can do nothing  by getting into politics, if I don't harbor the support and suggestions from you people. Hence, I wish you too think the political way, and pour in your ideas and suggestions regarding what has to be done to make India a better country. Your propositions and ideas will undeniably play an incredibly huge role and find their place in the country's political agenda. 


  1. I m always with people like you Teja....always!We need a change.....So, lets BE the change... Hey, why don't we start a political party ? Well,to make myself clear....I M VERY MUCH SERIOUS....LET'S DO IT TOGETHER!!!

  2. Thanx man..! People who think like you are very much rare :)
